Submitted by Lily Lawrence on

This training video introduces information and tools to recognize young children’s and pre-teen’s sexually concerning and problematic behaviors. Participants will learn how to identify warning signs in children’s behaviors, understand the markers of both inappropriate and harmful interactions between youth, and identify next steps protective adults can take to help all children involved. Building on the knowledge gained in the training video, “Understanding the Role of Healthy Sexuality Development and Education in Sexual Abuse Prevention,” participants will further develop their confidence and skills to know when and how to respond to address inappropriate or harmful behavior between children, including safety planning and having difficult conversations with other adults and with the children themselves. Participants will have the chance to test their understanding of the material throughout this video through practice activities.
Audience: Parents, Professional children’s caregivers, Educators, Caring bystanders
Cost: $25
Length: 60 minutes plus activities
Suggested Prerequisite: Understanding the Role of Healthy Sexuality Development and Education in Sexual Abuse Prevention
Item | Details | Available | Duration |
Circles of Safety: Understanding and Responding to Warning Signs in Children’s Behaviors | immediately after purchase | unlimited time |