Survivor watches child pornography.
Dear Stop It Now!,
I believe I was abused as a child and now have an obsession with teenage porn. I am requesting help with this issue. Please.

Dear Concerned Adult,
The experience of having been sexually abused affects people in many different ways. Yes, there are adults who were sexually abused as children who struggle with concerning and potentially dangerous sexual thoughts and fantasies about children. The positive news is that there is help and support available to help you address these thoughts and fantasies, as well as support you as a survivor.
Support and Help
You deserve to have professional help to both explore the impact of sexual abuse on your life and to create a healthy and safe life moving forward – for yourself and for others. It’s great that you are committed to children’s safety, and by taking the step of working with a professional, you can further this commitment and intention.
Doing it alone is difficult – support and help is available from understanding and experienced treatment providers and our resource list, Treatment Resources for Adults At-Risk to Abuse and Who Have Abused can help you get started. Finding the courage to speak up from our Online Help Center offers further valuable information about steps you can take to stay safe and get help.You have been courageous today in writing for help. I am so sorry that you were sexually abused, and I know that you can find the help and support you need to help you live the healthiest and most fulfilling life you can. If you haven't done so already, please take a look at our Online Help Center information for survivors: It's never too late to begin the process of recovery.
Some facts
I’m glad that you contacted us to get help. Child pornography is child sex abuse. It is against the law to download, possess, produce or distribute child pornography. Anyone who is found doing any of these things can be subject to legal action. If child pornography that is downloaded onto someone’s computer or phone, or any other technological medium is found, or if pictures of child pornography are found to be in someone’s possession, that person can be reported to the police and may be subject to legal action, that in some cases, can include jail time.By committing yourself never to view child pornography again you are taking an important step to protect yourself and the safety of children. Please know that many people contact us with similar questions. For this reason we have put several articles on our web site to help with these questions. I encourage you to read:
- Child pornography: Getting Help to Stop
- Defining Child Pornography
- Is viewing child pornography sexual abuse?
Again, you have taken a very brave step today. I hope you will seek out professional support, for your safety as well as children’s safety.
Take care,
Stop It Now!
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Last edited on: August 1st, 2018